I have had the pleasure of working with a very diverse customer base with my share of challenges. I've been able to make a difference in many lives, and with each success I know I have left a family with a better understanding and a better situation than the one they came to me with.
To some it's just the mortgage, but to others it's owning their first home and measuring their children and grandchildren on the same door frame. It's purchasing an income property that pays for itself and living mortgage free. Or it's using equity to alleviate debt stress so that they can enjoy life again. Sometimes it's sending them home with a budget and a goal of home ownership in a year, and then being able to see that goal achieved!
2024 marks my 28th year of service with the Canadian Cadet Movement as a Commissioned Officer. I have over the years seen literally hundreds of kids come through our doors full of curiosity and wanting to belong, but leaving as young adults having learned invaluable tools and conquering invisible boundaries.
They walk out with pride, self esteem, respect, dedication and a connection to something bigger. They leave ready to take on the world and very well armed to make it what they want. Some go on to serve while others do not, but all leave having benefitted from their time as a Cadet. COATS staff are DND Class A Reservists who dedicate over 60% of their time above and beyond the scope of their allocated paid days. We do so willingly year after year because we see the value of mentoring and leading Canada’s youth, and know it goes far beyond punching a time clock.
Our service is different with a mission to instill in Canada’s youth the merits of Citizenship, Physical and Mental Health, and an interest in our Armed Forces. The challenges they face in Cadets teach them to think and act without reserve, and the friendships they make last a lifetime.
On a personal note I was recently awarded my Canadian Decoration First Clasp, and as I accepted it from the hand of someone whose service has been far different from mine I knew my time in uniform has held value. I don’t for a second link the title of Veteran to my service. I have never and will never consider myself equal to those whose shadows protect us - my Grandfather and husband among them, and I have always felt awkward when I am thanked for my service for that very reason.
My service is different but just as honorable. I have the honor of impacting the lives of every child who walks in curious about Cadets and the Military, and walks out ready to take on life with respect, duty, discipline, self esteem and a connection to something bigger. Many have gone on to serve, including three of my own, and in that I know my time in uniform holds value.